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The Blood Zodiac Characters [Logged in view]
2009-06-22 21:48:25
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The Blood Zodiac Characters
Character Rules and Information
-Roleplayers are allowed to have one or more characters.
-No powerposting.
-Profanity is allowed if used sparingly.
-Obscene scenes are allowed if used tastefully. (i.e. This isn't a porno.)
-Remember!: The RP needs a good balance of goodies and badies. Thus, lets make sure there is plenty of both.
Kingdom Affiliation= what side the character is on.
Aleya Alliance-
For Queen Apollo's reign.
People Of Mellinia-
For ending Queen Apollo's reign.
[Aleya Alliance]
User: [
She cried WAR]
Name: Queen Apollo Aleya
Age: Twenty Eight.
Kingdom Affiliation: Aleya Alliance
Description: A sinister queen. Usually seen wearing a long black dress with different head dressing everyday. Black flowing hair. Thin, tall yet firm body. Amber eyes that could pierce a soul.
Skills: Skilled with her long and heavy sword. Very strong intuition. Lacks the ability to feel remorse.
User: [
She cried WAR]
Name: Princess Artemis Aleya
Age: Fifteen.
Kingdom Affiliation: Aleya Alliance
Description: An evil princess. Usually dressed in edgy clothing. she appears "cute" and "innocent" but is devious and hateful in truth. Has long blonde hair. Amyethst eyes. Again, don't let her appearance trick you.
Skills: Skilled using a crossbow and arrow. Very sly and sneaky. Can not be trusted.
User: [
Ayame the Snake]
Name: Lady Apollmyi Gautier
Age: Twenty Six.
Kingdom Affiliation: Aleya Alliance
Description: She has long light brown hair, worn normally mostly up. She has sharp ice blue eyes. A innocent smile and a understanding demeaner. She is most commonly found in colors in which match or come close to the gowns of the Queen.
Skills: She is the Queen's head Lady in Waiting. She is also has been a good friend to the Queen long before she became the head Lady in Waiting. But she however is not weak. Her cousin, Apostolos has taught her enough to stay stong next to her dear friend.
User: [
Ayame the Snake]
Name: Lord Apostolos Valerius
Age: Twenty Eight.
Kingdom Affiliation: Aleya Alliance
Description: Tall, lean and very handsome. He loves the hunt and to play chess. He has a slightly darker shade of brown hair. Which is short and cleanly cut. He is hardly ever seen with facial hair of any sort. He values his cousin to a great extent. He has dark navy blue eyes and a carefree demeaner.
Skills: Was taught to weild a sword, dagger and shield. He however was taught how to sew as well. But only does his cousin know that.
Name:Lady Medea Thanatos
Kingdom Affiliation:Al
eya Alliance
Description:Curly black hair, eyes that border that fine line between brown and black, darkly tanned and lightly muscular.A lady in waiting to apollo, she would like the think her and apollmyi are somewhat friends, even though she has no evidence pointing to that. Married to the rebel Jason, they argue all the time. no matter what, no matter how big or small, they play it out on a deadly scale. Winner takes all. Despite her constant battling she loves her husband and would do anything for him, except walk away from her friends at court. Which started the whole arguement of what side they should be on, resulting in Jason's siding with the people of mellinia.
Skills:A decent swordswoman(when she remembers to practice), a decent debater, and makes a amusing companion while she's a lady in waiting to the queen.
[People of Mellinia]
User: [She cried WAR]
Name: Princess Aries Aleya
Age: Nineteen.
Kingdom Affiliation: People of Mellinia
Description: The underdog in her family. Very sincere individual. Athletic in body, usually dressed in dark colors. Blonde hair. Green, honest eyes. Very strong and fiesty.
Skills: Aries has the ability to sense danger very easily. she is amazing at strategy. she fights mainly hand to hand combat but has great skill using two daggers that she carries with her at all times.
User:[~Crimson Angel~]
Name:Jake Johnson
Kingdom Affiliation:People Of Mellinia
Description:Jake has light brown hair, dark brown eyes, fair skin, he's muscular, and he wears a kimono when training, he wears black pants, a white shirt, and black boots when he's fighting for real.
Skills:He's an expert at sword fighting and hand to hand combat, he was trained by a skilled and wise old man. He's fast, agile, and strong and his sister is the only one that can beat him in a fight.
User:[~Crimson Angel~]
Name:Carly Johnson
Kingdom Affiliation:People Of Mellinia
Description:She has black hair, blue eyes, fair skin like her brother, she wears a kimono when she's training, but she wears black pants, a black shirt with fishnet sleeves, and black boots when she's fighting for real, she may look sweet, innocent and weak, but she realy strong and will kill for her brother or her loved ones.
Skills: Like her brother she is an expert at sword fighting and hand to hand combat, she is also fast, graceful, and strong, and she is also an expert in throwing any throwing weapon and hitting a still or moving target with perfect aim and she rarely misses, she can also use a bow and can shoot an arrow with perfect aim from 20 feet.
Name:Lord Jason Thanatos
Kingdom Affiliation:People of Mellinia
Description:Curly blond hair, bright blue eyes, darkly tanned and lightly muscular. While he is married to Medea, they argue all the time. No matter how big or how small of a scale, if Medea chooses one side, he will surely choose the other. Despite that, he loves her dearly and would do anything for her.
Skills:A decent swordsman, a brilliant debater, and makes a amusing companion.
User: [Ayame the Snake]
Name: General Gavyn Matthews
Age: Twenty-two
Kingdom Affiliation: People of Mellinia
Description:Tallish, built to fight. Has a sweet loving, kind nature. Sharp green eyes, and tan/blonde hair. He really was built to fight and handle a sword. For that is sure. He also has a secret crush on the Princess Aries. Backs his true Queen to the fullest.
Skills: Very handy with a long sword and daggers.
User: [LinkTurrner]
Name: Jacob Turner
Age: 17
Kingdom Affiliation:People of Mellinia
Description: Jacob was born and trianed to fight. He's shy at first but true to his friends. He stands up for what he belives in. He joined the People of Mellinia after Queen Apollo killed his father. He has dark black hair, and bright green eyes, tall and slim.
Skills: Very good with a long sword
[Other Characters]
User:[She cried WAR]
Name: Eden Lucifia
Age: Unknown
Kingdom Affiliation: Unaffiliated.
Description: Tall, pale skin, very beautiful.
Skills: Sorcery, Black Magic, Some psychic ability.
User:[She cried WAR]
Name: Ezekiel Zayd
Age: 12
Kingdom Affiliation: Unassociated with either.
Description: A lively little guy. Red headed with great big eyes. Follows around Jacob like he were his shadow. Orphaned after Apollo set his town on fire, killing his parents.
Skills: Agility. He is like a little monkey. He is intelligent for his age but still very much a kid.
User: [Goma]
Name:Goma Knighton
Age: 19
Kingdom Affiliation:Freelancer
Description:A boy who grew up without positive influence,The world is his pearl and he's going to milk it for every dime its worth,He treats women like trash,Usable only for procreation and home making.
Skills:He has a large variety of weapons in which he is proficient,including Halberds,Long swords,Spears,and heavy axes. He is quick and cruel in battle,Using his knowledge of the human body against his opponents
User: [TheKingdomLight]
Name: Linh Masen
Age: 19
Kingdom Affiliation: None. (meaning she doesn't care)
Description: A young woman who is probably just as crazy as the queen her self. Her lack of tolerance , patience, and her bordem gets her in a lot of trouble with the guards. She hates stupid people (mainly men), She likes to be alone and always has been.
Skills: She has the power of great speed and is good at hand to hand combat.She does however have one sword which she carries on her back, a bow, and arrows. Linh is good at building traps and hunting.
The Blood Zodiac
The Blood Zodiac RP
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